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Monday, June 29, 2009

Top Time-Wasters for Bloggers

You have a lot to do every day to manage and build your blog. And since you probably do it part-time, you've got to squeeze every last bit of productivity out of the time you have. However ... we're all human, and we tend to lose focus at times. Keeping in mind 3 of the biggest sources of lost time may help you.

Focusing on number of subscribers rather than Actual Relationships

When we look to improve our stats, the 500-pound canary of stats is "# of subscribers." But here's the thing. You can find internet marketers with a list of 100,000 subscribers they email, and they aren't making squat. You can find internet marketers with a list of a few hundred subscribers they email, and they are making a ton of $$. The difference is simple, and obvious. Without "know, like & trust," people will not buy from you. But somebody who totally trusts you may dedicate their online life to YOU. It happens. Lesson: Don't worry about the # of subscribers. Instead, commit to building real relationships.

"No, dear. I can't go to bed with you now. I have to check my blog stats."

You know how, when you're not on a diet, you get on the scale maybe once a month? But when you're on a diet, you get on the scale 3 or 4 times a day? The problem with a blog is, all you need to do is click a couple times, and you can peek at the scale again. It interrupts your thoughts. It takes your focus away from being productive. Stats - like weight - fluctuate, and if you look when they're down, there's a good chance THAT will affect your attitude and productivity. Lesson: Discipline yourself to check blog stats no more than once a day.

Four hours clicking your "Stumble" button.

Focus. Focus. Focus. Looking for blogging ideas or promotional opportunities, a few minutes of focused searching is OK. Hours of stumbling ... or surfing any of the social media sites ... is not contributing to YOUR business. Ask yourself several times a day, "What is the best use of my time right now?" If the answer comes back, "Well, I don't know, but THIS sure ain't it!!", that's a good indicator that you need to discipline yourself better. Actually ... all it may take is just asking yourself that question occasionally every day. The answer will probably bring you out of your coma, so you can get back to work.

Certainly, there are other time-wasters. But if you just get a handle on these 3, you may well wind up with at least another hour or two of productive time every day.


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